Pool Cleaning
- Net pool surface and pool bottom
- Brush Pool & Spa walls and steps
Maintaining Pool Circulation
- Cleaning pool skimmer and pump baskets
- Clean filters (only the first of the year is included)
- Verifying equipment pump, timer, and pressure
Checking Automatic Pool Sweep
- Cleaning pool sweep bag
- Verifying pool sweep operation
Balancing Pool Water and Pool Chemistry
- Testing pool water
- Adding pool chemicals balancing water
- All maintenance chemicals included with the exception of:
Phosphate treatment, salt, shock and Stabilizer have an extra charge
Water Chemical Maintenance and Checking Pool Chemicals
- Chlorine – maintain
- Chloramines – maintain
- Total Chlorine (includes Chloramines) – maintain
- pH (Potential Hydrogen) – maintain
- TA (Total Alkalinity) – maintain
- Calcium Hardness (water hardness) – check (this is a startup chemical
- Cyanuric Acid (Stabilizer/Conditioner) – check (this is a startup chemical)
- TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) – check
Pool Equipment Checks
- Skimmer baskets checked and emptied
- Pump strainer baskets checked and emptied
- Filter backwashing – as needed
- Sweep debris bags checked and emptied
- Sweep operation checked
- Valves monitored /maintained for suction and circulation adjustments
Book our services by calling at: (661) 805-0505